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Social Impact

Environmental Impact

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YEDD teams up with Maasai women in Tanzania to create and design handmade bead products.  


Our mission is deeply rooted in empowering Maasai women, preserving their rich cultural heritage, and fostering a sustainable future for all. Through our commitment to ethical sourcing, we support Maasai artisans in crafting exquisite products that embody their intricate traditions. By purchasing these beautifully made goods, you directly contribute to the economic empowerment of Maasai women, ensuring their livelihoods and safeguarding their cultural legacy.

Our dedication extends beyond the realm of handicrafts. We recognize the interconnectedness of human and environmental well-being, and we actively support initiatives that protect our planet. In partnership with the Eden Reforestation Projects, we are restoring vital ecosystems by planting trees in Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nepal, and Nicaragua. These reforestation efforts not only combat climate change but also contribute to soil regeneration, biodiversity conservation, and improved water quality.

We are also committed to minimizing our environmental impact. Our supply chain is plastic-free, and we exclusively use biodegradable or compostable packaging materials. By eliminating single-use plastics, we reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable world.

Join us in our journey to empower Maasai women, preserve their cultural heritage, and safeguard our planet. With every purchase, you become an active participant in creating a more equitable and sustainable future for all. Your support allows us to continue our mission of empowering Maasai women, protecting our environment, and cultivating a world where craftsmanship, community, and sustainability flourish.